Kids' Life and Times

Module: Technology

This page lists the questions asked within the Technology module, and for which years. Clicking on the year printed after every question will bring you to the results for that year.

NUMCOMP: How many computers does your family own? 2008 2009

INTERNET: Does your family own a computer that can connect to the Internet or web? 2008 2009

WEBROOM: Do you have a computer in your bedroom that can connect to the internet or web? 2009

TVROOM: Do you have a television in your bedroom? 2009

OWNMOB: Do you have your own personal mobile phone? 2008 2009 2013 2024

NUMPALS: How many good friends do you have? 2008 2009

WEBPALS: Do these good friends include any on-line friends? 2009

NWEBPALS: How many on-line friends do you have? 2009

WEBSCH: Do you use the internet in school? 2009

WEBHOME: Do you use the internet at home? 2009

WEBUSFOR: Do you use the internet for schoolwork, for fun or both? 2009

WEBSAFE: Has anyone talked to you about internet safety? 2009

SOCNET: Are you ever on any social networking sites like Bebo, Facebook or Myspace? 2009

SOCNETTM: How much time do you spend on sites like these? 2009

WEBGAME: Do you ever play any multi-player on-line games? 2009

WEBGAMET: How much time do you spend playing games like these? 2009

WATCHTV: How much television do you watch? 2009

TYMOBILE: Is your phone a ‘smart’ phone? 2013

SMSBULLY: Have you ever been bullied by text or internet? 2013

INTSCH: When you are using the internet at school, do your teachers look at what you are doing? 2013

INTHOME: How often do you use the internet at home? 2013 2024

INTHOMEP: When you are using the internet at home, do your parent(s) or guardian(s) look at what you are doiong? 2013

INTHOME1: Do you access the internet at home on a phone? 2013

INTHOME2: Do you access the internet at home on a tablet? 2013

INTHOME3: Do you access the internet at home on a computer in the bedroom? 2013

INTHOME4: Do you access the internet at home on a computer elsewhere in house? 2013

INTHOME5: Do you access the internet at home some other way? 2013

INTHOME6: Do you access the internet at home on laptop, place not specified) 2013

INTHOME7: Do you access the internet at home on games console eg xbox, ds, wii? 2013

INTHOME8: Do you access the internet at home on ipod? 2013

INTHOME9: Do you access the internet at home on computer, place not specified? 2013

INTHOME10: Do you access internet at home on a TV? 2013

INTRULEP: Have your parent(s) or guardian(s) set any rules about your use of the internet? 2013

INTSAFE: Have you been taught about staying safe online in the last year? 2013

INTSAFE1: Who has taught you about staying safe online - your parents? 2013

INTSAFE2: Who has taught you about staying safe online - a teacher? 2013

INTSAFE3: Who has taught you about staying safe online - friends? 2013

INTSAFE4: Who has taught you about staying safe online - TV programmes? 2013

INTSAFE5: Who has taught you about staying safe online - someone else? 2013

INTSAFE6: Who has taught you about staying safe online - can't remember? 2013

INTSAFE7: Who has taught you about staying safe online - police? 2013

INTSAFE8: Who has taught you about staying safe online - Childline/NSPCC? 2013

INTSAFE9: Who has taught you about staying safe online - a talk/a group 2013

INTUPSET: Have you seen something on the internet in the last year that upset or worried you? 2013

INTUPDO1: When you saw something that upset you, did you turn off the computer/leave the website? 2013

INTUPDO2: When you saw something that upset you, did you tell an adult? 2013

INTUPDO3: When you saw something that upset you, did you report it online? 2013

INTUPDO4: When you saw something that upset you, did you contact a helpline? 2013

INTUPDO5: When you saw something that upset you, did you do something else? 2013

INTUPDO6: When you saw something that upset you, did you not do anything? 2013

INTUPDO7: When you saw something that upset you, do you not rememebr what you did? 2013

INTSMED: How often would you be on a website where you can have your own page or profile? 2013

INTSMEDP: Can your page or profile be seen by other people? 2013

INTMOB: How often do you use the internet on your mobile phone? 2024

INTACC: Are you able to access the internet whenever you want to? 2024

INTMOB: How often do you use the internet on your mobile phone? 2024

INTPAR: How much do your parents/carers know about what you do on the internet? 2024

WEBSAFE: Have you been taught about staying safe online in the last year? [See INTSAFE 2013] 2024

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