Kids' Life and Times

Module: School

This page lists the questions asked within the School module, and for which years. Clicking on the year printed after every question will bring you to the results for that year.

HAPPYSCH: How happy were you at this school? 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2017 2018 2019 2020 2022 2023 2024

HELPHMWK: In P7, did you get help with your homework? 2008

FEELWRIT: How do you feel about writing? 2008

FEELREAD: How do you feel about reading? 2008

FEELSPEL: How do you feel about spelling? 2008

FEELSUMS: How do you feel about doing sums? 2008

FEELSHAP: How do you feel about working with shapes? 2008

FEELCOMP: How do you feel about using the computer? 2008

FEELEXPR: How do you feel about doing science experiments? 2008

FEELWKLN: How do you feel about working by yourself? 2008

FEELSCH: How do you feel about coming to school [WORDING CHANGED 2022] Overall, how do you feel about school at present? 2008 2022

NEWSCH: Are you going to be starting a different school in September? 2008 2009

NEWSCHFL: Are you happy that you are going to this school? 2008 2009

HAPPYP7: Were you mostly happy in P7 or mostly unhappy? 2010

UNHAPWHY: Why were you unhappy in P7? 2010

SPORTDO: What sports do you play? 2010

SPORTSCH: Do you think you get enough sport in your school? 2010

KIDSCHL: Which children would get into YOUR school if you were principal? 2010

SCHPARWL: How interested are your parents in how well you do at school? 2011

SCHPARHP: How interested are your parents in how happy you are at school? 2011

GOUNI: Do you want to go to university? 2011

YNOGOUNI: Why do you not want to go to university? 2011

TALENTS: The things I learn at school help to develop my talents and abilities. 2014

DECISION: The things I learn at school help me to make decisions. 2014

RESOLVE: The things I learn at school help me to sort our arguments. 2014

DEVHEAL: The things I learn at school help me stay healthy. 2014

GETONWEL: The things I learn at school help me to get on with other people. 2014

CRITICAL: The things I learn at school help me to think differently about things. 2014

CREATIVE: The things I learn at school help me to do creative things. 2014

DEALCHL: Have things you learnt at school helped you deal with difficult things? 2014

RELIFE: In my school RE is taught in a way that shows me how it's important in life 2014

USELIVES: In my school RE is taught in a way this is useful in helping me thing about things that affect me. 2014

WORLDREL: In my school RE is taught in a way that helps me understand world religions. 2014

LANGSCH: Do you learn a language at school? 2018

LANGLRN: Which language(s) do you learn? 2018

LANGTEAC: Who teaches you this language(s) in school? 2018

LANGOTH: Do you think children should have to learn a language other than English (or Irish in Irish Medium schools) in their primary school? 2018

LANGCLSS: In what class do you think children should start to learn another language? 2018

LANGFWD: Are you looking forward to starting to learn (or continuing to learn) a language in Year 8? 2018

UAGEPRIM: What age were you when you started primary school? 2022

AGESTART: What age do you think children should start primary school in NI? 2022

GOODENG: How much do you agree or disagee that you are good at English? 2022

GOODMATH: How much do you agree or disagee that you are good at Maths? 2022

GOODSCI: How much do you agree or disagee that you are good at Science? 2022

SCHSTESS: How often do you feel stressed or worried about the schoolwork you have to do? 2022


Questions relating to school have also been asked within the Shared Education, Transfer Test, Bullying, Rights, School Calm, and Kidscreen modules.


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