Kids' Life and Times

Module: Childcare

This page lists the questions asked within the Childcare module, and for which years. Clicking on the year printed after every question will bring you to the results for that year.

AFTSCHGO: Where do you go after school? 2009 2013

AFTSCHFL: How do you feel about the way you are looked after when school finishes? 2009

CRECHE: Did you go to a nursery or crèche when you were very young? 2009

CRECHEFL: How did you feel about the way you were looked after in the nursery or crèche? 2009

CMIND: Did you go to a childminder when you were very young? 2009

CMINDFL: How did you feel about the way you were looked after by your childminder? 2009

DOAFTSCH: What activities do you do most days after school? 2013

CAREFEEL: How do you feel about the way that you are looked after when school finishes? 2013

CAREWHY: What is the main reason why you are looked after this way? 2013


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