TLUSE: When you are in school how do you feel about using the toilets?
TLENUF: Do you think there are enough toilets in your school?
TLUSEASK: Have you asked to use the school toilets during class but not been allowed to?
TLPAPER: How often would the following happen in your school toilets: No toilet paper?
TLSOAP: How often would the following happen in your school toilets: No soap or warm water?
TLDRYH: How often would the following happen in your school toilets: Nothing to dry your hands with e.g. no paper towels or hand dryer?
TLNWORK: How often would the following happen in your school toilets: Toilets dirty or not working?
TLLOCK: How often would the following happen in your school toilets: Toilet doors do not lock?
TLNOISY: How often would the following happen in your school toilets: Too noisy?
TLPRIV: Do you think the toilet cubicles in your school are private enough?
TLBULL: Does bullying ever happen in your school toilets?
TLMISBEH: Apart from bullying, does any other misbehaviour ever happen in your school toilets?
TLGEND: What sort of toilets do you think your school should have?
TLTEACH: Has a teacher or another adult ever asked you what you think about the toilets in your school?
TLOPIN: Do you think children in school should be asked what they think about school toilets?