Year 2017


BULL3MTH: In the last 3 months have you personally been bullied?

BULLCRM: Over the last 3 months how often did this bullying happen to you in the classroom?

BULLSCH: Over the last 3 months how often did this bullying happen to you in school but not in the classroom?

BULLTRAV: Over the last 3 months how often did this bullying happen to you travelling to and from school?

BULLELSE: Over the last 3 months how often did this bullying happen to you somewhere else?

BULLFORM: In the last 3 months what form(s) did this bullying take?

BULLWHO: Who were the people/person who bullied you ?

BULLGEND: Who were you bullied by: boys or girls or both?

BULLSPK: Did you speak to anyone about the bullying when it was happening to you?

BULLTELL: Who did you speak to about the bullying when it was happening to you?

BULLHAPP: Did anything happen after you told someone about the bullying that was happening to you?

BULLPOL: Does your school have an Anti-bullying policy?

BULLPOLW: Were you or any of the children in your school involved when your school's Anti-bullying policy was being written?

BULLSTOP: How much do you agree or disagree with this statement: My school treats bullying seriously and works to stop it?

BULLWHAT: How much do you agree or disagree with the statement: My school has explained to me what it considers bullying to be?

BULLDO: How much do you agree or disagree with the statement: My school has explained what I should do if I am being bullied?

BULLCONF: How much do you agree or disagree with the statement: I am confident my school would help me if I was being bullied?

UBULOTH: In the last 3 months have you been involved in bullying anyone, either on your own or with others?

UBULLTYP: In the last 3 months what sort of bullying behaviour have you been involved in?

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