Year: 2013

OWMOBILE: Do you have your own personal mobile phone?

TYMOBILE: Is your phone a ‘smart’ phone?

SMSBULLY: Have you ever been bullied by text or internet?

INTSCH: When you are using the internet at school, do your teachers look at what you are doing?

INTHOME: How often do you use the internet at home?

INTHOME1: Do you access the internet at home on a phone?

INTHOMEP: When you are using the internet at home, do your parent(s) or guardian(s) look at what you are doing?

INTRULEP: Have your parent(s) or guardian(s) set any rules about your use of the internet?

INTSAFE: Have you been taught about staying safe online in the last year?

INTSAFE1: Who has taught you about staying safe online - your parents?

INTUPSET: Have you seen something on the internet in the last year that upset or worried you?

INTUPDO1: When you saw something that upset you, did you turn off the computer/leave the website?

INTSMED: How often would you be on a website where you can have your own page or profile?

INTSMEDP: Can your page or profile can be seen by other people?

INTUPDO7: When you saw something that upset you, do you not rememebr what you did?

INTHOME2: Do you access the internet at home on a tablet?

INTHOME3: Do you access the internet at home on a computer in the bedroom?

INTHOME4: Do you access the internet at home on a computer elsewhere in house?

INTHOME5: Do you access the internet at home some other way?

INTHOME6: Do you access the internet at home on laptop, place not specified)

INTHOME7: Do you access the internet at home on games console eg xbox, ds, wii?

INTHOME8: Do you access the internet at home on ipod?

INTHOME9: Do you access the internet at home on computer, place not specified?

INTHOME1: Do you access internet at home on a TV?

INTSAFE2: Who has taught you about staying safe online - a teacher?

INTSAFE3: Who has taught you about staying safe online - friends?

INTSAFE4: Who has taught you about staying safe online - TV programmes?

INTSAFE5: Who has taught you about staying safe online - someone else?

INTSAFE6: Who has taught you about staying safe online - can't remember?

INTSAFE7: Who has taught you about staying safe online - police?

INTSAFE8: Who has taught you about staying safe online - Childline/NSPCC?

INTSAFE9: Who has taught you about staying safe online - a talk/a group

INTUPDO2: When you saw something that upset you, did you tell an adult?

INTUPDO3: When you saw something that upset you, did you report it online?

INTUPDO4: When you saw something that upset you, did you contact a helpline?

INTUPDO5: When you saw something that upset you, did you do something else?

INTUPDO6: When you saw something that upset you, did you not do anything?

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