Year: 2013
Module: Parental engagement with school
Variable: PARHELPS

What do you think is the most helpful thing that your parent(s) or guardian(s) do to help you with your education?

Helping me with my homework57
Speaking to my teachers7
Getting involved with school6
Reading books with me4
Taking me to places like museums/libraries14
Something else4
I don't know6
Not answered1


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Results for boys and girls

Helping me with my homework 59 56
Speaking to my teachers 7 8
Getting involved with school 5 6
Reading books with me 4 4
Taking me to places like museums/libraries 13 15
Something else 4 5
I don't know 7 5
Not answered 1 1



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Disclaimer:© ARK 2013 Last Updated on Monday, 20-May-2013 12:42