Year: 2011

DEALBULL: Is there someone at your school whose job is to deal with bullying?

RULEBULL: Does your school have a set of rules on bullying?

TLKBULLY: Have you ever talked about bullying in your class?

PUPBULLY: Do pupils at your school get bullied?

UBULLPHY: In the last 2 months, how often did you get physically bullied at school?

UBULLOTH: In the last 2 months, how often did you get bullied in other ways at school?

UBULLSMS: Have you ever been bullied by mobile phone or on the Internet?

UBULOTHP: In the last 2 months, did you take part in bullying other children physically at school?

UBULOTHN: In the last 2 months, did you take part in bullying children in other ways at school?

UBULOTHS: Have you ever bullied someone by mobile phone or on the Internet?

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