Year: 2011

AGEOLD: At what age do you start to think of an adult as an old person?

RESPECT: As you get older, do you get more or less respect?

RESPECT1: Who is treated with most respect?

NUMGRAND: How many grandparents do you have?

GPLIVE: Does this grandparent live in the same house as you?

GPSLIVE: Do any grandparents live in the same house as you?

GPTEACH: Have you taught something useful to your grandparents?

GPLEARN: Have you learned something useful from one of your grandparents?

GPSEE: How often do you see your grandparent?

GPSSEE: How often do you see your grandparents?

GPSIMPOR: How important are your grandparents in life?

GPIMPOR: How important is grandparent in life?

GPDOWTU What kinds of things do your grandparents do with you?


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