
This page links to videos that help explain some of the issues that the ARK Ageing Programme is engaged with.

What is an intergenerational approach?, by Nancy Henkin

How can an intergenerational approach to building communities be used in Northern Ireland?, by Nancy Henkin

What is stratified medicine?

What is gerontology? (This is part of the ‘Ageing Bites‘ series produced by the British Society for Gerontology)

Preparing for an Ageing Population: Opportunities and Challenges for Northern Ireland, by Robin Means (keynote speech, At the Crossroads conference, 29 August 2014)

Is Northern Ireland a good place to be old?‘ is a video infographic which is based on data on ageing and ageism from the 2014 Northern Ireland Life and Times Survey.  This is also available on Ageing Bites.

Appreciating Age: Valuing the positive contributions made by older people in Northern Ireland (Commissioner for Older People for Northern Ireland)

Dementia from the inside is a 7 minute from the Social Care Institute for Excellence

Feminist Methods in Ageing Research, by Elizabeth Martin and Gemma Carney.

The ARK Ageing Programme Visiting Fellow Programme – reflections by Sue Yeandle.

Statistics on social care for older people – discussion by Ann Marie Gray and Paula Devine on The Round-Up, NVTV, 13 December 2018