Visiting Fellows


An exciting part of the ARK Ageing Programme is our Visiting Fellows Scheme.

This Scheme allows us to invite appropriate experts to either Queen’s University Belfast or Ulster University for a visiting fellowship, with the aim of sharing their insights and experience.

Our first Visiting Fellow was Nancy Henkin, who is founder and Executive Director of the Intergenerational Center, Temple University, Philadelphia.  Nancy visited the ARK Ageing Programme in autumn 2014, and worked with Linking Generations and other organisations.  For information on the activities and events during Nancy’s visit, click here.

Sue Yeandle is Director of the Centre for International Research on Care Labour and Equalities (CIRCLE) in the University of Leeds (now University of Sheffield).  Sue’s visit was from 1st to 12th June 2015,  to coincide with Carers’ Week.

John Williams (University of Aberystwyth) was our Visiting Fellow in October 2015, and his activities focused on human rights and older people.

Dominic Campbell (Creating Aging International) worked with The Playhouse (Derry/Londonderry), in May and October 2016.

Gunhild Hagestad (Norweigian Social Science (NOVA) visited in October 2016, and gave two events focusing on ‘bookend generations’.

Anna Tarrant (University of Lincoln) was a Visiting Fellow in June 2017.

Alistair Wilson and Katie Hunter (University of Strathclyde Intergenerational Mentoring Network) will be visiting in June 2018.

For information about our Visiting Fellows Scheme, click here