How to get to 100 … and enjoy it!

get to 100The ARK Ageing Programme welcomes ‘How to get to 100 … and enjoy it’ exhibition to Belfast.  The exhibition will be on display at W5 from 19th – 28th February 2015 to coincide with the Northern Ireland Science Festival.

This unique, interactive exhibition is based on the issues related to our changing population.  It explores questions such as ‘What are your chances of living to 100?’ and ‘how do your early years, your family life, where you live, your lifestyle and your work affect these chances?’

With one in three children born in 2014 expected to live to 100, these questions have never been more relevant. Using the latest iPad-technology, visitors can learn up-to-the-minute research findings via interactive games, quizzes, pictures, interviews and easy-to-understand graphs and texts. For more information on the exhibition, visit

The ARK Ageing Programme hosted an event on Monday 23 February to launch the exhibition.