Growing older: the role of community and gardening in ageing well, 10 June 2016

Photograph of speakers at BSGNI event. From left:  Rodd Bond (Dundalk Institute of Technology), Lynn Johnston (BSGNI), Mabel Stevenson (BSGNI) and Harry Hughes (Cabbage Patchers)
From left: Rodd Bond (Dundalk Institute of Technology), Lynn Johnston (BSGNI), Mabel Stevenson (BSGNI) and Harry Hughes (Cabbage Patchers)


The Cloughmore Centre, Rostrevor, was a beautiful location for this lively event focusing on community gardening.

Harry Hughes, from the Cabbage Patchers, highlighted the origins of this community gardening project, and the importance of the intergenerational focus.

Rodd Bond, from the NetwellCASALA Centre at Dundalk Institute of Technology, focused on the need for intersecting global adaptations to changing demographic patterns.


You can read Gemma Carney’s blog about the event here