Launch of ‘How to get to 100 … and enjoy it!’

liveto100The ARK Ageing Programme hosted an event on Monday 23 February 2015 to mark the ‘How to get to 100 … and enjoy it’ exhibition in Belfast.  This unique, interactive exhibition focuses on key issues associated with population change, such as life expectancy, migration and work.  The Centre for Population Change in the University of Southampton have coordinated its tour around seven cities in the United Kingdom, and the Belfast leg took place in  W5 from 18-28 February 2015. For more information on the exhibition see



From left: Gillian Robinson, Tony Gallagher, Linda Robinson, Goretti Horgan, Paula Devine and Genna West

The launch event included presentations by:

A feature about the launch event was included in an NVTV Focal Point programme.