Nancy Henkin


Nancy Henkin

Nancy Henkin is founder and Executive Director of the Intergenerational Center, Temple University, Philadelphia.  Nancy’s was based in the School of Sociology, Social Policy and Social Work, Queen’s University Belfast from 30 September to 13 October 2014.

Nancy had a full agenda for her visit, which involved working with Linking Generations and other organisations.

Key events
  • 1 October: Reinforcing and Re-imagining the Social Compact (Seminar), School of Sociology, Social Policy and Social Work, Queen’s University Belfast
  • 3 October: Beyond the Silos: An ‘all-age’ approach to strengthening communities (Joint workshop with INCORE, University of Ulster), Holywell DiverseCity, Derry-Londonderry
  • 7 October: Collaborating towards an age-friendly Northern Ireland (Joint workshop with Linking Generations), Belfast City Hall
  • 8 October: Intergenerational work as a lens for resolving social problems (Interactive workshop with Social Work students), School of Sociology, Social Policy and Social Work, Queen’s University Belfast