Visiting Fellows Scheme


The ARK Ageing Programme Visiting Fellows Scheme gives us the opportunity to invite six appropriate experts to either Queen’s University Belfast or Ulster University for a visiting fellowship, with the aim of sharing their insights and experience.  In consultation with age sector organisations in Northern Ireland, we will identify potential Visiting Fellows whose research/practice is of particular interest to the Programme.

Throughout the fellowship, each Visiting Fellow will work with an NGO within the age sector in Northern Ireland, as well as meeting other interested groups.  Each Visiting Fellow will be required to undertake the following:

  • An academic seminar within Queen’s University Belfast or University of Ulster.
  • Meet with relevant NGOs in Northern Ireland.
  • Meet with relevant policy makers in Northern Ireland.
  • Deliver a short specialist course/workshop agreed in partnership with ARK and the age sector.
  • Write a Research Update or Policy Brief (approximately 2,500 words) focusing on their particular expertise

Our first Visiting Fellow was  Nancy Henkin (University of Philadelphia), who was based in Queen’s University Belfast in autumn 2014. Sue Yeandle (University of Leeds) worked with us in June 2105, and Sue reflects on her Fellowship in the video below.  John Williams (University of Aberystwyth) was here in October 2015, Dominic Campbell (Creative Aging International) paid two short visits in 2016, and Gunhild Hagestad (NOVA) came in October 2016.


If you are interested in this scheme, either for yourself, or to suggest someone else, please contact Paula Devine by email or phone 00 44 (0) 28 9097 3034.