Age Encounters

images-4 Age Encounters is a network of researchers, academics and practitioners with an interest in age in Northern Ireland. This initiative was originally set up in 2012 by Dr. Janet Carter Anand (School of Sociology, Social Work and Social Policy, Queen’s University Belfast), and Lynn Johnston (Linking Generations Northern Ireland). The ARK Ageing Programme is very pleased to facilitating this network.


The purpose of the group is to promote knowledge exchange between academics, researchers, practitioners, students and older people interested in exploring the challenges and opportunities that our ageing society presents. Each ‘age encounter’ comprises presentations from speakers across the different sectors, along with time to chat over coffee.

The first meeting in June 2012 focused on intergenerational relationships, and included a presentation by Prof. Frank Kee from the Centre of Public Health at Queen’s, which focused on the Northern Ireland Cohort for the Longitudinal Study of Ageing (NICOLA). The group then heard from Dr. Briony Dow, Director of the Health Promotion Division of Melbourne University’’s National Ageing Research Institute, and Lynn Johnston (then a PhD candidate at Queen’s).

During the event in February 2014, the presenters were Eddie Lynch (Age Sector Platform and Pensioners’ Parliament), Paula Devine and Gillian Robinson (ARK Ageing Programme).

The event on Tuesday 25 November 2014 focused on services for older men in Belfast – click here for details.

Our event on 1 June 2016 was jointly organised with U3A Foyle, and focused on combatting loneliness in older age.