ARK E-Type
Issue No:
5 - Jun/2019
Welcome to the June edition of the ARK newsletter. As you will see below, this has been a busy time for the ARK survey teams. As well as releasing data from the 2018 surveys, we have started work on the design of the 2019 surveys.
The next ARK newsletter will be in September, and in the meantime, we hope that you have a lovely summer.
Results of 2018 NI Life & Times survey
The data from the 2018 Northern Ireland Life and Times (NILT) survey are now available. 1,201 people aged 18 years or over and living across Northern Ireland took part. The survey explored attitudes a wide range of key social policy issues, including good relations, minority ethnic groups, palliative care, LGBT issues, abortion, politics, criminal justice system, community safety and perceptions of paramilitary influence. Tables of results, the dataset, technical notes and questionnaires are all available on the NILT website.
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Attitudes to transgender people
Results of 2018 Young Life & Times
The results of the 2018 Young Life and Times survey are now available online. 1,152 young people aged 16 years took part, and gave their opinions on good relations, minority ethnic groups, citizenship and politics, wellbeing, and school. A seminar was held on 25 June to launch the release of the 2018 YLT and Kids' Life & Times findings, and a video of the event is available on the ARK website. Full details of the survey, including questionnaires, technical notes and data are available on the YLT website.
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Results of 2018 Kids' Life & Times
5,300 children in Primary 7 classes across Northern Ireland took part in the 2018 Kids' Life and Times (KLT) survey. The survey explored a range of issues, including school, bullying, wellbeing, citizenship and research. The results of this survey are now online, and in the comic What Kids Think. A seminar was held on 25 June to launch the release of the 2018 YLT and KLT findings, and a video of the event is available on the ARK website. Full details of the survey, including questionnaires, technical notes and data are available on the kLT website.
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Update on CAIN
Ulster University recently held a consultation on the future of CAIN (Conflict Archive on the INternet). Following this consultation, ARK and Ulster University have allocated funding from reserves to allow CAIN to operate over the coming year. This period will enable us to continue discussions with potential funders to try to secure medium-term funding with the aim of developing a sustainable funding model for CAIN.
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About ARK
ARK is Northern Ireland's social policy hub. Established in 2000 by researchers at Queen's University Belfast and Ulster University, its primary goal is to increase the accessibility and use of academic data and research. Most of our dissemination is via our website at, which is divided into five main areas:
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