ARK E-Type
Issue No:
3 - Mar/2019
Welcome to the March edition of the ARK newsletter, and hopefully spring will soon be in the air! In this edition, we highlight the ongoing consultation on the future of CAIN. We also show how ARK's survey data are used extensively in academic, policy and other publications, which are produced by ARK and others.
Consultation on CAIN
CAIN (Conflict Archive on the INternet) is a vast archive of information and source materials on the Northern Ireland and politics in the region. This archive has been freely available on-line since March 1997, with new materials added on a regular basis. This is a unique academic and civic resource, with users all over the world. Resource-building work has become increasingly challenging to fund. Over the last few years the level of research grant income has not matched the cost of providing the service, and Ulster University has met the shortfall. Ulster University has initiated a 12-week consultation about the future of the CAIN, which runs until 2nd May 2019. Full details about the consultation, and how to contribute to it are available on the CAIN website.
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CAIN and Associated Sites
CAIN (Conflict Archive on the INternet) was launched 22 years ago, on 12 March 1997. The site includes a comprehensive archive of material relating to the conflict, and this is constantly updated. CAIN also hosts a series of associated sites, where contributors to CAIN gave significant amounts of materials or information and in return were offered their own space on CAIN. There are now 27 Associated Sites, including those focusing on photographs, murals, journal articles, databases of deaths, documents from think tanks, and much more.
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Reel Life Data - new timetable
Our February newsletter gave details of the Reel Life Data project. The challenge is to make a short film (maximum of 3 minutes) which presents relevant statistics from the Life and Times survey on attitudes to different communities living in Northern Ireland. The film doesn't have to be a documentary - the more creative the better!
In response to several requests, we have extended the timetable for the project. If you're up for this challenge, please send us a completed film outline form by Monday 8 April. You can find this form, as well as full details about the project on our website.
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Perceptions of Paramilitarism
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