ARK E-Type
Issue No:
1 - Jan/2021
Happy New Year, and welcome to the ARK newsletter. This is our first newsletter of 2021, which highlights four exciting events taking place in the next few weeks. We also announce our new CAIN Associate Programme. So there's lots to look forward to!
22 January: Framing Ageing webinar
Gemma Carney is part of the Framing Ageing project, which aims to create a transdisciplinary network that liberates the field from the constraints of failure models of ageing. The project is funded by the Wellcome Trust. On Friday 22 January, Framing Ageing is holding a webinar focusing on methodologies. Gemma will present the paper 'Oldies come bottom of Grim Reaper hierarchy': a qualitative media analysis of UK newspaper coverage of who is 'at risk' during the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic.
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27 January: Black Lives Matter? webinar
Black Lives Matter? Attitudes to minorities and migrants in Northern Ireland focuses on attitudes to minorities and migrants in Northern Ireland. The webinar will be based on findings from the 2019 Northern Ireland Life and Times and Young Life and Times surveys. In particular, the data will be discussed within the context of the Black Lives Matter movement. The main presenter is Dr Lucy Michael, followed by a panel discussion. The event will be held via Zoom, on Wednesday 27 January 2021, 3.30-4.45pm. Please register via the link below, and the joining details will be emailed to you.
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17 February: Somebody I Used To Know, with Wendy Mitchell
Join Jan Carson and Jane Lugea from The Dementia in the Minds of Characters and Readers project on 17 February for an important conversation about dementia.
Wendy Mitchell's memoir Somebody I Used to Know was the first book of its kind written by someone living with dementia. In this online event, novelist Jan Carson will chat to Wendy about her experience living with and writing about dementia, alongside author Anna Wharton who helped co-author Wendy's memoir. Jane Lugea will explore how writers represent dementia in their fiction. The event is organised as part of the Northern Ireland Science Festival, and please click on the link below for registration details. For more information on the Dementia in the Minds of Characters and Readers project, visit the DementiaFiction blog or follow @FictionDementia on Twitter.
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25 February: Tackling Gender Inequalities
Tackling Gender Inequalities: the Role of Gender Budgeting is an online event reporting on the findings of a research project funded by Joseph Rowntree Charitable Trust which investigated the potential for gender budgeting to address gender inequalities in Northern Ireland. The project was undertaken by Ulster University in conjunction with the Northern Ireland Women's Budget Group and the Scottish Women's Budget Group. The event will focus on sharing the results of discussions held with a range of stakeholders, analysis of policy documents and economic analysis of specific policy areas. The webinar will also discuss linked ongoing research which is being carried out in the area of gender budgeting in Northern Ireland. The webinar will take place on Thursday 25 February from 10.30am-noon. Please register using the link below.
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CAIN Associate Programme
We are delighted to announce the launch of the CAIN Associate Programme. This is a new strand of CAIN's activities designed to highlight the role of the archive in academic research and teaching and its contribution to policy. The CAIN team will be working with a series of associates, and relevant activities will be announced in due course. Dr Rob Savage, Boston College, has accepted an invitation to become a CAIN Associate and will be working with the team in the coming months.
About ARK
ARK is Northern Ireland's social policy hub. Established in 2000 by researchers at Queen's University Belfast and Ulster University, its primary goal is to increase the accessibility and use of academic data and research. Most of our dissemination is via our website at, which is divided into five main areas:
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