ARK E-Type
Issue No:
7 - Sep/2017
Welcome to the September edition of the ARK newsletter, and we hope that you had a good summer - despite the weather! As the new academic year begins, we are busy with plans for new events, projects and publications. More details are outlined in this newsletter. We hope to see you soon.
Update on ARK Surveys
ARK runs 3 annual surveys recording the attitudes of the public to key social issues.
If you are asked to participate in any of these surveys, please take part - your views are important!
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Peace Monitoring Report
A team, lead by ARK at Ulster University is working to author the 5th NI Peace Monitoring report. This is a project led by the Community Relations Council and funded by Joseph Rowntree Charitable Trust. The NI Peace Monitoring report started in 2012 as a process of annually measuring the distance travelled, either closer to, or further away from the shared goal of a peaceful and inclusive society. The Report measures Safety, Equality, Political Progress, and Cohesion and Sharing. Previous reports are available on the Community Relations Council website
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ARK produces a range of publications, including Research Updates and fact sheets, most of which are available online. The most recent Research Update is: For a full list of publications, as well as links, visit our Publications page
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About ARK
ARK is a joint initiative between Queen's University and Ulster University, and began in 2000. Our mission is to make social science knowledge on Northern Ireland easily accessible to the widest possible audience. Most of our dissemination is via our website at, which is divided into four main areas:
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Follow us
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ARK works hard to provide the best possible service and
we welcome your feedback on this e-Newsletter. If you would
like to comment on any aspect of our work, email or
write to us at one of the addresses below. We look forward
to hearing your views. |