Friday March 14, 2025

Year: 2017
Module: CRED
Variable: CREDSH

School and youth work are required to help young people to have a better understanding of diversity in our society and to promote the equal treatment of different groups. There are many different ways that this can be done, including discussions, subjects in school (for example, Learning for Life and Work or Relgious Education), taking part in sports with people from other communities, either through school or a youth group, learning about other communities in a youth group and through shared classes with other schools.

[Multiple Response Table - results for previous years can be found under variables CREDSCH, CREDYP and NOCRED]

Have you ever done any of this? Yes I have done this ...

In my school as part of 'Shared Education' 47
In my school but not as part of 'Shared Education' 27
In a youth project or youth centre 25
No, not in school or a youth project or youth centre 27


Go to results for men and women, and people of different religions.
Go to technical notes



Results for men and women

In my school as part of 'Shared Education 43 50
In my school but not as part of 'Shared Education 30 24
In a youth project or youth centre 22 27
No, not in school or a youth project or youth centre 30 26



Results for people of different religions

 CatholicProtestantNo religion
In my school as part of 'Shared Education 46 49 48
In my school but not as part of 'Shared Education' 26 26 26
In a youth project or youth centre 25 27 23
No, not in school or a youth project or youth centre 28 26 28



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