Saturday March 15, 2025

Northern Ireland Young Life and Times Survey 2006

Index to Results 2006

Clicking on a module title below will bring you to a list of all the questions asked on that topic in 2006.  


The technical information is available in PDF format.

A leaflet providing a summary of results from the 2006 survey is available in PDF format (355 kb).

Participation, happiness and achievement: the impact of poverty on the school experiences of 16-year olds, by Dirk Schubotz, David Simpson and Alex Tennant, uses data from the 2006 YLT survey, and is published by Save the Children (253 kb).

The environment: am I bovvered?, by Paula Devine (Research Update 49), explores attitudes to the environment using data from the 2006 YLT survey (413 kb).



All work that uses or refers to the 2006 Young Life and Times Survey should acknowledge it using the following bibliographic citation:
ARK. Young Life and Times Survey, 2006 [computer file]. ARK [distributor], January 2007.


Part funded by Save the Children and The Carnegie United Kingdom Trust

Maintained by Paula Devine

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