Sunday March 16, 2025

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  Northern Ireland Social Attitudes - 1995

Variable Listing for Module: Europe

Click on variable you are interested in from the listing below to view the tables for that variable. Use the links at the top and bottom of each page to navigate through the surveys.


EUUNITE: Should the UK unite fully with the European Union or protect its independence?

ECPOLICY: Should the UK leave the European Union?

ECUVIEW: Opinion on single European currency.

ECGBCLSE: Should the UK's relationship with the European Union be closer?

ECLNKINF: Would closer links with the European Union give the UK more influence in the world?

ECLNKSTR: Would closer links with the European Union make the UK stronger economically?

DECFUTNI: Who should have the right to decide the long-term future of Northern Ireland?

TROOPOUT: Would you support or oppose a complete withdrawal of British troops?

NATION: Are the UK's interests better served by closer links with Western Europe or with America?

UNITEEC: Should the UK unite fully with the European Union or protect its independence?

EUKNOW: How much have you heard or read about the European Union?

UKBENEU: Does the UK benefit from being a member of the European Union?

EECBRIT1: If we stay in the EU, will Britain will lose control over decisions that affect Britain?

EECBRIT2: Is the competition from other EU countries making Britain more modern and efficient?

EECBRIT3: Will loots of good traditions have to be given up if we stay in the EU?

ECDEC1: Should decisions about taxes should mostly be made by the EU or by individual governments?

ECDEC2: Should decisions about controlling pollution mostly be made by the EU or by individual governments?

ECDEC3: Should decisions about defence mostly be made by the EU or by individual governments?

ECDEC4: Should decisions about the rights of people at work mostly be made by the EU or by individual governments?

ECDEC5: Should decisions about immigration mostly be made by the EU or by individual governments?

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