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Year: 2022
Module: Respect
Variable: LESSRESP

In your day-to-day life, how often do any of the following things happen to you?
You are treated with less respect than other people are.

Almost every day1
At least once a week6
A few times a month8
A few times a year25
Less than once a year24


Go to results for men and women, people of different religions, and people of different ages.
Go to technical notes



Results for men and women

Almost every day 1 1
At least once a week 6 5
A few times a month 7 8
A few times a year 26 24
Less than once a year 23 26
Never 37 35



Results for people of different ages

Almost every day 2 2 1 2 2 0
At least once a week 14 5 5 7 6 1
A few times a month 17 12 8 9 6 1
A few times a year 30 30 31 25 23 16
Less than once a year 22 24 24 26 27 22
Never 14 27 31 31 36 60



Results for people of different religions

 CatholicProtestantNo religion
Almost every day 1 2 1
At least once a week 5 6 6
A few times a month 9 8 6
A few times a year 27 20 29
Less than once a year 23 25 25
Never 36 38 33



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