DEMBRAIN: True or false? Dementia
is a disease of the brain.
DEMMNTAL: True or false? Dementia
is a mental illness.
DEMNORM: True or false? Dementia is
part of the normal process of ageing.
DEMALZH: True or false? Dementia is
another term for Alzheimer’s disease.
DEMEXER: True or false? People who
eat healthily and exercise are less likely to get dementia.
DEMDRUGS: True or false? There are
drug treatments that help with dementia.
DEMKINDS: True or false? There are
many different kinds of dementia.
DEMCURED: True or false? Dementia
can be cured.
DUNPRED: Does this describe someone
who has had dementia for a long time? Unpredictable.
DFUN: Does this describe someone who
has had dementia for a long time? Fun.
DCONFUSE: Does this describe someone
who has had dementia for a long time? Confused.
DKIND: Does this describe someone who
has had dementia for a long time? Kind.
DTRAPPED: Does this describe someone
who has had dementia for a long time? Trapped.
DANGRY: Does this describe someone
who has had dementia for a long time? Angry.
DSAD: Does this describe someone who
has had dementia for a long time? Sad.
DPATH: Does this describe someone who
has had dementia for a long time? Pathetic.
DGENTLE: Does this describe someone
who has had dementia for a long time? Gentle.
DFRIGHT: Does this describe someone
who has had dementia for a long time? Frightened.
DLOST: Does this describe someone who
has had dementia for a long time? Lost.
DDANGER: Does this describe someone
who has had dementia for a long time? Dangerous.
DHAPPY: Does this describe someone
who has had dementia for a long time? Happy.
DNONE: Does this describe someone who
has had dementia for a long time? None of these.
DOTHER: Does this describe someone
who has had dementia for a long time? Something else.
DEMKEEP: Does there come a time when
all you can do for someone with dementia is to keep them clean, healthy
and safe?
DEMDECSN: Do people take over making
decisions for people with dementia too much?
DEMDISAP: Once they have dementia,
does the person you knew eventually disappear?
DEMHUMAN: As soon as someone is diagnosed
with dementia, are people not treated like a thinking human being
any more?
DEMWORTH: For people with really
bad dementia, is life is worth living?
DEMCHILD: Are people with dementia
like children and need cared for as you would a child?
DEMALONE: Should someone just diagnosed
with dementia live alone?
DEMMEDIC: Should someone just diagnosed
with dementia continue to manage their own medication?
DEMDRIVE: Should someone just diagnosed
with dementia continue to drive?
DEMELECT: Should someone just diagnosed
with dementia have an electronic device fitted in case they wander?
DMLALONE: Should someone with dementia
for a long time live alone?
DMLMEDIC: Should someone with dementia
for a long time continue to manage their own medication?
DMLDRIVE: Should someone with dementia
for a long time continue to drive?
DMLELECT: Should someone with dementia
for a long time have an electronic device fitted in case they wander?
DEMCOMM: Should people with dementia be involved in activities
in the community?