Saturday March 15, 2025

Northern Ireland Life and Times Survey 2010

Module: Dementia

This page lists the questionlists the questions asked within the Dementia module in 2010. Clicking on the question name printed to the left of every question will bring you to the tables of results for that question. Publications and further information on Dementia can be found on the Dementia Resources page.

DEMKNOW: Do you know anybody personally who has dementia?

DEMBRAIN: True or false? Dementia is a disease of the brain.

DEMMNTAL: True or false? Dementia is a mental illness.

DEMNORM: True or false? Dementia is part of the normal process of ageing.

DEMALZH: True or false? Dementia is another term for Alzheimer’s disease.

DEMEXER: True or false? People who eat healthily and exercise are less likely to get dementia.

DEMDRUGS: True or false? There are drug treatments that help with dementia.

DEMKINDS: True or false? There are many different kinds of dementia.

DEMCURED: True or false? Dementia can be cured.

DUNPRED: Does this describe someone who has had dementia for a long time? Unpredictable.

DFUN: Does this describe someone who has had dementia for a long time? Fun.

DCONFUSE: Does this describe someone who has had dementia for a long time? Confused.

DKIND: Does this describe someone who has had dementia for a long time? Kind.

DTRAPPED: Does this describe someone who has had dementia for a long time? Trapped.

DANGRY: Does this describe someone who has had dementia for a long time? Angry.

DSAD: Does this describe someone who has had dementia for a long time? Sad.

DPATH: Does this describe someone who has had dementia for a long time? Pathetic.

DGENTLE: Does this describe someone who has had dementia for a long time? Gentle.

DFRIGHT: Does this describe someone who has had dementia for a long time? Frightened.

DLOST: Does this describe someone who has had dementia for a long time? Lost.

DDANGER: Does this describe someone who has had dementia for a long time? Dangerous.

DHAPPY: Does this describe someone who has had dementia for a long time? Happy.

DNONE: Does this describe someone who has had dementia for a long time? None of these.

DOTHER: Does this describe someone who has had dementia for a long time? Something else.

DEMKEEP: Does there come a time when all you can do for someone with dementia is to keep them clean, healthy and safe?

DEMDECSN: Do people take over making decisions for people with dementia too much?

DEMDISAP: Once they have dementia, does the person you knew eventually disappear?

DEMHUMAN: As soon as someone is diagnosed with dementia, are people not treated like a thinking human being any more?

DEMWORTH: For people with really bad dementia, is life is worth living?

DEMCHILD: Are people with dementia like children and need cared for as you would a child?

DEMALONE: Should someone just diagnosed with dementia live alone?

DEMMEDIC: Should someone just diagnosed with dementia continue to manage their own medication?

DEMDRIVE: Should someone just diagnosed with dementia continue to drive?

DEMELECT: Should someone just diagnosed with dementia have an electronic device fitted in case they wander?

DMLALONE: Should someone with dementia for a long time live alone?

DMLMEDIC: Should someone with dementia for a long time continue to manage their own medication?

DMLDRIVE: Should someone with dementia for a long time continue to drive?

DMLELECT: Should someone with dementia for a long time have an electronic device fitted in case they wander?

DEMCOMM: Should people with dementia be involved in activities in the community?

DEMRESID: Is it better for people with dementia and their families if they are cared for in a residential unit or a nursing home?

DEMNOTEL: Is there little or no benefit to be gained from telling someone they have dementia?

DEMNODEC: Are people just diagnosed with dementia unable to make decisions about their own care?

DEMTALK: Is there no point in trying to talk to people with dementia as they won’t be able to understand?

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