Friday March 14, 2025

Year: 2013
Module: Background
Variable: LIVEWITH

Which of your parents do you live with?

My mum and dad in the same house77
My mum for all or most of the time16
My dad for all or most of the time1
My mum for half the time and my dad for half the time5
Somebody else1
Not answered0


Go to results for boys and girls.
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Results for boys and girls

My mum and dad in the same house 78 77
My mum for all or most of the time 15 17
My dad for all or most of the time 2 1
My mum for half the time and my dad for half the time 5 5
Somebody else 1 1
Not answered 0 0



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Disclaimer:© ARK 2013 Last Updated on Monday, 20-May-2013 12:42