Friday March 14, 2025

Year: 2012
Module: Background
Variable: FAMMONEY

Families have to pay for a lot of things for children. There are ordinary things like food and clothes, and special things like holidays and birthday presents. How do you think your family is managing with money for all these things?

Enough money for ordinary things and special things66
Enough money for ordinary things but not for some special things21
Not enough money for ordinary things or for special things3
I don't know10
I don't live with a family0


Go to results for boys and girls.
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Results for boys and girls

Enough money for ordinary things and special things 66 67
Enough money for ordinary things but not for some special things 21 21
Not enough money for ordinary things or for special things 3 3
I don't know 11 9
I don't live with a family 0 0



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Disclaimer:© ARK 2012 Last Updated on Thursday, 24-May-2012 16:45