Friday March 14, 2025

Year: 2010

List of itentities: Northern Irish, Irish, British, Ulster, Irish Traveller, Indian, Pakistani, Chinese, Bangladeshi, Polish, Portuguese
Which of the following words best describe you? You can click on one word or as many as you feel describe you.



One identity - Northern Irish 25
One identity - Ulster 2
One identity - Irish 10
One identity - British 12
One identity - Polish, Lithuanian, Portuguese, Bangladeshi, Chinese, Pakistani, Irish Traveller, Indian 2
Two identities - UK or Ireland and one of above 4
Two or more identities - any combination 46


Go to results for boys and girls .
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Results for boys and girls


One identity - Northern Irish 22 27
One identity - Ulster 3 2
One identity - Irish 10 10
One identity - British 9 14
One identity - Polish, Lithuanian, Portuguese, Bangladeshi, Chinese, Pakistani, Irish Traveller, Indian 1 2
Two identities - UK or Ireland and one of above 5 3
Two or more identities - any combination 51 42




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