There could be someone in here that’’s gay…’: The provision of inclusive services to older lesbian, gay and bisexual (LGB) adults in residential care environments in Wales

5 February 2015, Queen’s University Belfast

willis3In this seminar, Dr Paul Willis (Swansea University) focused on a mixed-methods project into the provision of inclusive services for older lesbian, gay and bisexual (LGB) people in residential care environments in Wales.  The project was funded by NISCHR, Welsh Government.

You can view the powerpoint slides here and a video of the event here.

This seminar was jointly organised by the ARK Ageing Programme and the School of Sociology, Social Policy and Social Work at Queen’s University.


Useful resources: 

In 2014, the ‘See me, hear me, know me’ guidelines were published in Northern Ireland to support the needs of Older Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender people in nursing, residential, and day care settings and those who live at home and receive domiciliary care.

‘Still here…Always Have Been’ is a photography project for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people aged 50+