Lunchtime Event – Understanding and Accessing Justice: Older People and Abuse

Date: Thursday 15th October
Time: 12.30pm – 2.00pm
Venue: HOLYWELL – DiverseCity Community Partnership, Bishop Street, Derry/Londonderry

handThe guest speaker at this event was John Williams, Professor of Law at the University of Aberystwyth.

The seminar explored what justice means to victims of elder abuse.  Earlier research has shown that victims of elder abuse want the abuse to end, and they want justice.  But what justice means is often uncertain.   In this seminar, Professor Williams discussed a new project in Wales, which is funded by Big Lottery.  The project is examining the ability of older people who are victims of abuse to access justice and assessing their experience.  It will explore the different ways in which they may understand justice, especially when the abuser is a family member.

John Williams is Professor of Law at the University of Aberystwyth.  His research mainly focuses on the impact of the law on older people including social care and health care law, the criminal justice system, and international law. The central theme of this research is the protection of the human rights of older people.